Renaming audio tracks within MKV

Wanted to reach out to the community for help / looking for a frontend that allows an user to rename audio tracks within a MKV… I have about 200 mkv files with about 4 audio tracks each that I need to rename. Is there a front end or a recommended workflow to follow?

So trying to get a front that will issue 2 commands:

  1. mkvinfo file.mkv
    from the output I can then find the track number I want to set the name, then (suppose it is track 3 and you want to set its name to “Stereo in AAC”
  2. mkvpropedit file.mkv --edit track:3 --set name=“Stereo in AAC”

Just looking for a solution that does not depend on command line for all of these MKV files that I need to change the audio track names on.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions. I do not wish to re-encode, so hand break does not work in this rename job I have.

Many thanks