Every time I use the split mode, whether it’s specific timestamps or after output duration, it keeps saving part of the file that I’ve cut out.
Example of “specific timestamps”: if I select a 10-minute video and choose to split between 00:03:00,00:07:00 - meaning I want to keep the 4 minutes between the 3-minute and 7-minute mark, it will create 3 files. The first 3 minutes, the 4 minutes, I want, and the rest of the video.
I don’t want that. I only want it to generate the 4 minutes I want.
It also won’t allow you to set “maximum number of files” to 1, defaults straight back to "unlimited. And if I set that number to 2, it will generate 2 files. The first 3 minutes of the video, and the rest of it.