How can I extract the attachment without an aid that is shown by mkvinfo from an MKV file?

For example, if the last track ID in the MKV file is 3, followed by an attachment.


| + Track
| + Track number: 4 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 3)
| + Track UID: 16902882582786297346
| + Track type: subtitles
| + “Forced display” flag: 1
| + “Lacing” flag: 0
| + Codec ID: S_TEXT/UTF8
|+ EBML void: size 1167
|+ Attachments
| + Attached
| + File name: Covers.jpg
| + MIME type: image/jpeg
| + File data: size 324294
| + File UID: 17997802935195570321
|+ Cluster

Regardless of whether I use:

mkvextract input.mkv attachments 4:covers.jpg
mkvextract input.mkv attachments 9223372036854775807:covers.jpg

I get the error:
Error: An attachment with the ID 4 / 9223372036854775807 was not found.

Wrong tool: you need to query the file with mkvmerge -i yourfile.mkv or mkvmerge -J yourfile.mkv (the latter outputs JSON which is easier to parse).

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Thank you very much! It works!

Could you please answer this question as well?

What is the system requiremnets?
Toolnix 32 bit program & Win7

No, sorry. I simply don’t know the answers.