i have a seperate videos recorded by me when i add them to the program for merging it works great but when i add my 10 seconds video intro at the beginning the whole merge ending up like this no audio and just glitchy screen
btw all videos are 1080p and 60fps
if someone please could help me to understand the program and find a soultion to fix this issue
It’s just the way it is. Sometimes lucky, sometimes not.
The workaround is to extract the video and audio tracks from your Matroska files separately. So if you have two Matroska files, extract Video1, Audio1, then Video2, Audio2. Then join Video1+2 (say becomes Video3), then join Audio1+2 (say becomes Audio3). Then mux together your joined Video3, and your joined Audio3.
The glitch happens because there is a tiny gap between the audio tracks. Say Video1 is 1.100 seconds but its own Audio1 is 1.050 seconds only.
So with the workaround, sometimes the sync is lost if there are too many files to join, or if the media length is too long (say hours), but at least no glitch. Because the gap would add up, so in the later part of the media, say after 1 hour later, the speech is no longer in sync with the mouth. You just have to try, check the playback.
Gaps in the audio have nothing to do with visual glitches during appending. Two completely separate issues.