Batch convert audio from 23,976 fps to 25 fps with pitch correction

Hello! I have a video in 23,976 fps with two audio tracks that I would like to mux into a 25 fps video. I have the tracks already extracted and in their own respective folders by language, and I would like to convert them to 25 fps with pitch correction so I can mux them into the 25 fps video. But I have trouble with doing this conversion in batch, is there any way that we can do this? I found this post (Reddit - Dive into anything) which has a similar script but not the same, and I am not sure how to tweak it to sui what I need. Any ideas?

The script is:

:batch convert (reverse PAL speedup) all .mkv files in the current directory

@ echo off

:programs required:
set mkvextract="D:\edition_video\mkvtoolnix\mkvextract.exe"
set mkvmerge="D:\edition_video\mkvtoolnix\mkvmerge.exe"
set eac3to="D:\edition_video\eac3to\eac3to.exe"

:options to be changed depending on the tracks in the mkv file:
set t1op=--forced-track 0:no -d 0 -A -S -T --no-global-tags --no-chapters --default-duration 0:24000/1001fps
set t2op=--forced-track 0:no -a 0 -D -S -T --no-global-tags --no-chapters --language 0:eng
set t3op=--forced-track 0:no -a 0 -D -S -T --no-global-tags --no-chapters --language 0:fre
rem set t4op=--forced-track 0:no -s 0 -D -A -T --no-global-tags --no-chapters --language 0:fre 
rem set t5op=--forced-track 0:no -s 0 -D -A -T --no-global-tags --no-chapters --language 0:eng --default-track 0:no
rem set tord=--track-order 0:0,1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0,5:0
set tord=--track-order 0:0,1:0,2:0,3:0

:target audio bitrates (no auto detection yet):
set t2kbit=192
set t3kbit=192

:a=%%~na is the base name of %%a without ".mkv" entention

rem mkvextract input.mkv tracks 1:video.h264 2:output-two-vobsub-tracks.idx 3:output-two-vobsub-tracks.idx

for %%a in (*.mkv) do (
rem %mkvextract% "%%a" tracks 0:"%%~na.Track1.h264" 1:"%%~na.Track2.ac3" 2:"%%~na.Track3.ac3" 3:"" 4:""

%mkvextract% "%%a" tracks 0:"%%~na.Track1.h264" 1:"%%~na.Track2.ac3" 2:"%%~na.Track3.ac3"

%eac3to% "%%~na.Track2.ac3" "%%~na.Track2.24p.ac3" -slowdown -libav -log="%%~na.Track2.eac3to.log" -%t2kbit%
%eac3to% "%%~na.Track3.ac3" "%%~na.Track3.24p.ac3" -slowdown -libav -log="%%~na.Track3.eac3to.log" -%t3kbit%
del /f /q "%%~na.Track2.eac3to.log"
del /f /q "%%~na.Track3.eac3to.log"
del /f /q "%%~na.Track2.ac3"
del /f /q "%%~na.Track3.ac3"

rem %mkvmerge% -o "%%~na.24p.mkv" %t1op% "%%~na.Track1.h264" %t2op% "%%~na.Track2.24p.ac3" %t3op% "%%~na.Track3.24p.ac3" %t4op% "" %t5op% "" %tord%

%mkvmerge% -o "%%~na.24p.mkv" %t1op% "%%~na.Track1.h264" %t2op% "%%~na.Track2.24p.ac3" %t3op% "%%~na.Track3.24p.ac3" %tord%

del /f /q "%%~na.Track2.24p.ac3"
del /f /q "%%~na.Track3.24p.ac3"
del /f /q "%%~na.Track1.h264"
rem del /f /q ""
rem del /f /q ""
