Trying to figure out how to use MKVToolNix to batch-convert a list of MKV files changing their TITLE properties into each file’s FILENAME. Noob, not having much luck. Hoping one of you experts can help me out?
Filename: “TV Show - S01E01 - Episode Name.mkv”
Title Property: “TV.Show.S1E1.Gibberish.Gibberish.Gibberish”
Filename: “TV Show - S01E01 - Episode Name.mkv”
Title Property: “TV Show - S01E01 - Episode Name”
…Also, I need to do this for a whole folder of 20-something files.
All help appreciated.
dir/b/s *.mkv >list.txt
for /F “delims=;” %%F in (list.txt) do “C:\Program Files\mkvtoolnix\mkvpropedit” “%%F” --edit info --set “title=%%~nF”
del list.txt
…and it works.
But, how do I also add a command to delete the ‘Comments’ field from each file?
Hi, i tried this exact code and it didn’t work for me, i have some non regular characters in my path such as ýžřč which wasn’t shown in the list.txt. I managed to tell the code to show them by adding this line ‘chcp 65001’ but still when i open vlc, it shows the old name. Do you have any idea?