Adding multiple subtitles to a video file in multiplexer

Hi there!
I’m trying to add multiple subtitle files via drag-and-drop to the source files list in the multiplexer, but whether I add them via multi-select drag and drop or add the entire folder, the files get added as an “appended” file rather than individual entries.
Is there a setting to turn this to treat them as individual entries within a multiplexing job rather than sub-files of the first one added? I can’t seem to find it if so.
Perhaps a key combination (shift-drag) to add them as individual files?
Thanks, and apologies if this question was asked already. Couldn’t find a solution and am just starting to learn some new power abilities of MKVToolnix.

Edit: Figured it out. My subtitle tracks were listed as 2_English, 3_English, etc and the option under Preferences->Multiplexer->Detect file name sequences when adding multiple files was enabled. Disabling that solved the issue.


Even if you’ve already figured it out, there are two aspects here that I’m going to mention for the sake of others who might read this post:

  1. When you drag & drop multiple files/directories into the multiplexer or when you select multiple files after clicking the “add files” button, the GUI will usually ask you what you want to do with them & present you with several options, among them “add all of them to the current multiplexing job” and “append all of them to an existing file in the current multiplex job” (actual wording is slightly different). That same dialog also gives you the option to always do whatever you chose there without presenting you with the dialog each time. If you ever activated that “always do this” checkbox, you can re-enable the dialog in the preferences → “Multiplexer” → “Adding files” → the three options in that combo box.
  2. The GUI has built-in sequence detection. A sequence is a set of file names that share the same base name but have consecutive numbers in it as well. If such a sequence is detected, the first file is automatically “added” and the other ones “appended”. This is meant for situations in which logical videos are split up into multiple, sequentially named parts (the original use case talked about potentially having hundreds of files in such a sequence). You can turn off the sequence detection in the preferences → “Multiplexer” → “Adding files” → “Detect file name sequences when adding multiple files”. It is enabled by default.
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Any way in a future version you can detect a held-down shift key (or similar) to temporarily force an add-individually option or to override the sequence detection? I can see both ways being useful but it doesn’t seem there’s a way in the pop-up dialogue to ignore the sequence detection, or really even have it mention it anywhere during the operation.

Such a modifier key wouldn’t really work when you use the “add files” functionality instead of drag & drop — and I don’t like “solutions” that only work for some parts of the functionality.

The sequence detection isn’t mentioned in the dialog as those are two distinct pieces of functionality. The function mentioned in the dialog only comes into play after sequence detection has already been done.

Fair enough. It took me some time to figure out why it was doing what it was doing. Perhaps a note in the popup when hovering over the “appended” link icon that says the sequence was auto-detected and added as append?

Again, the functionalities have nothing to do with each other. If sequence detection happens, that other dialog might not even be shown.