for ex: when i play a anime file , it have three audio options and it has been labelled nicely with some info as well. and while selecting subtitles as well i can see subtitle name (even if language is same) like here:
But when i tried by first extracting all files out of mkv file using gmkvExtractGUI and then mixing it using MKVToolNix , i get generic names now
how can i make it name back to how original file was?
(the reason i am doing extract and then remixing is bcz i am learning this process plus want to get rid of other language subtitles regardless pls help me how to label it)
You can set names for tracks in the “track name” control in the “Properties” pane on the right.
Even better, if you don’t extract those tracks first but use the original Matroska file as a source file in MKVToolNix GUI, it’ll automatically re-use the track names that are present in the source file. Extraction to elementary streams always loses information. In general don’t do it unless you absolutely have to (e.g. if you want to re-encode an audio track from one codec to another, or if you need change subtitles from SSA to SRT etc.).